Studio Zagami challenges the modernity and offers the possibility to get the professional lawyer assistance from any point of the world that has an internet access. Advocate Zagami would personally occupy with the problem related with the crime law.


In this section you can fill in the Request and within 48 hours from the moment of receipt of the Customer’s request for the service to be provided, Studio Legale Zagami will send a confirmation with an estimate of cost of the legal advice, by e-mail, indicating the term during which Lawyer Debora Zagami would be obliged to provide the opinion. The time for sending the lawyer’s conclusion can vary and will be indicated in the estimate.


In this section you can fill in the Request, indicating a time and date preference to make a SKYPE call. If needed (you have to specify it before), it is possible to book a videoconference with a russian- o english- language interpreter. Within 24 hours from the moment of receiving your request, Studio Legale Zagami will send an email indicating the two alternative date and time options when it will be possible to make a Skype call. You must confirm the time and date by means of making payment. You will recieve a reciept then.


In this section you can fill in the Request, indicating a time and date preference to make a SKYPE call with an italian- sign language interpreter. Within 24 hours from the moment of receiving your request, Studio Legale Zagami will send an email indicating the two alternative date and time options when it will be possible to make a Skype call. You must confirm the time and date by means of making payment. You will recieve a reciept then.


In this section you can fill in the Request to get the number registered by Studio Zagami in Whatsapp to get the assistance in different languages, to guarantee a fast response in emergency cases, to get the easier and faster way for sending the documents and fixing the appointments. You can also register a video message in an italian-sign language.